
use wool

Wool is a great material used for carpets. Pure wool is 100 % natural, 100%
renewable and 100% biodegradable.

100% natural – Wool comes from animals, and can’t be man-made
100% renewable – As long as there is grass to eat, sheep will regrow their fleece every year.
100% biodegradable – Wool will naturally decompose, and release nutrients back into the earth.

We consume wool which is not fit for the clothing industry. Most of our wool comes from the sheep meat industry, where the wool is just a waist product to be thrown away. The rest of our wool comes from animals not capable of shedding and need to be sheared once a year to prevent overheating and dirt/pests getting stuck under the thick layer of wool.

Green energy

In order to minimize the amount of CO2 emissions from our production and take care of the environmental, we seek in Danspin to only use Green Energy. Furthermore, we seek for our machines and equipment, including lighting and ventilation, when replaced, to be replaced by more energy-saving and optimized versions.

For our dyehouse in Estonia, we have in 2015 invested in a new biofuel plant for wood pellets as a replacement for and old heavy fuel. We buy all the wood pellets from local suppliers.

In Lithuania, we have made an agreement with UAB Ignitis, that they are suppling us with 100 % renewable energy from Biomass, Hydro Power, Wind Power and Solar Power, to run the entire mill.

Green Energy Certificate

Code of conduct

Sheep all around the world, are the first step in our wool supply, and in Danspin we care for the wellbeing of all our suppliers; humans, and animals.

At Danspin, we do not tolerate any type of mulesing on the animal’s providing wool for our products. We do not use the type of wool, mostly known to be exposed for mulesing, but to be sure, we have added the non-tolerance of mulesing in our Code of Conduct, along with other requirements that animals and humans is treated well in our supply chain.

Wool is not harmful to your health, even working with wool every day, don’t cause problems for your lungs or eyes.

For more information about our Code of Conduct, please contact us.

Read about our statement on due diligence in the attached Due Diligence Policy


At Danspin, we ensure that any manufactured products are fully compliant with the demands of Proposition 65(PROP 65) official known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 and limit of Substances of very high concern (SVHC) as recured in EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) – REACH (1907/2006/EC).

All our suppliers have signed our REACH declaration.

For more information about REACH at Danspin, please contact us

Read more about REACH and/or PROP 65


At Danspin we care about the environment and like the idea behind the Cradle-to-Cradle philosophy.

Cradle-to-Cradle is the vision of a world where consumption and production have a positive effect on the economy, the environment, and people. Where we benefit the planet without having to turn down consumption and welfare.

Today we can provide our customers with the traceable New Zealand wool Laneve™ and/or assist them getting their products with Danspin yarn Cradle-to-Cradle certified.

Read more about Cradle-to-Cradle or Laneve


JSC Danspin, the leading supplier of carpet yarn, is committed to supplying premium quality products as well as to ensuring environmental protection. As energy consumption and electricity prices go up annually, the company searches for even more sustainable methods of operation.

Following a comprehensive energy consumption audit, JSC Danspin decided to take a big leap to the sustainable future. It is planned to set up a 1.4 MW solar power plant that will allow the company to cut down the consumption of traditional energy and to use the electric energy it generates for its internal needs.

Project ‘Setting up of renewable energy resources at JSC Danspin’ will increase the part of renewable energy resources in the overall energy consumption as well as promote the use of renewable energy resources in industry. This will definitely contribute to the Lithuania’s efforts to fight climate change, air pollution reduction, and more effective use of resources and will reduce the dependence on energy imports. The project value amounts to EUR 756,186, out of which EUR 300,000 will be financed from the funds of the activity ‘Encouraging setting up of renewable energy resources in industrial companies (Central and Western Lithuania)’ of Progress Facility No. 05-001-01-04-02 ‘Encouraging Enterprises to Move towards a Climate-Neutral Economy’ of the Economic Transformation and Competitiveness Development Programme.

JSC Danspin believes in sustainable future and aims to set an example for other industry players. We thank all of our partners, customers, and employees who contribute to this project and believe in sustainable future. 

Project title:  ‘Setting up of renewable energy resources at JSC Danspin’

Project implementer:  JSC Danspin

Project value:  EUR 1,014,206 

Aid allocated: EUR 300,000 

Project implementation period: from 02/08/2023 to 31/08/2025 

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